Friday, 5 April 2013

Broccoli...a superfood!


You know how your parents constantly battled with you when you were a kid about eating your broccoli? Turns out, they were actually trying to do you a favour...yes, a favour! Being one of those children who put up a vicious struggle and had to be force fed her greens, I would've had a hard time believing this but the proof is in the facts!

The following are some unbelievable facts about broccoli that may tempt you to cook some up, and regret you childhood stubborness!

  • Broccoli is extremely high in vitamin C. In fact, consuming one cup of raw broccoli will give you your entire required daily amount!
  • It's also an incredible source of vitamin A.
  • It protects the eyes from degenerative diseases such as glaucoma.
  • It helps clear skin and aids with cell production. It also helps protect against sun damage as it contains glucoraphanin which helps the skin detoxify and repair itself!
  • Broccoli is a source of both soluble and insoluble fibre, both of which your body must get from outside sources. It's good to know that broccoli can provide two in one!
  • It is an anti-inflammatory and protects the body from cancer and heart disease.
  • Broccoli is a great source of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, selenium, and phosphorus.
  • Promotes a healthy nervous system and brain function.
  • Low in calories but high in fibre. Instead of eating a cup of rice, eat a cup of broccoli for the same amount of protein and ultimately half the calories!

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